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3D production and photo stocks

3D production and photo stocks


When creating visual materials for product packaging, spectacular shots with consumption situations are constantly required: on a table, in a tropical location, surrounded by beautiful girls, etc. For this, as a rule, photographs of packaging are carried out in a studio or with a field trip with girls, food and drinks. But it’s expensive. At the same time, business development involves the constant creation of new promotional materials. And again – photo shoots, processing, layouts, endless fees and payments for models… How to break this vicious circle?


In elvisPelvis we create accurate 3D models of goods in any resolution, and then fit them into stock images. Officially. Operatively. With transfer of rights and closing documents. The cost of purchasing images depends on the timing and type of media.

In addition, we can quickly “pull on” any unfolded sketches of package labels onto 3D forms. The key word is prompt. This service is very useful when working on concept sketches for new products.



